Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Ancillary Product research: Album covers

This is the Jim Hendrix album cover for the album Axis As Bold As Love. I like the colouring of the cover as the colour makes the album quite bold, which obvioulsy bodes well with the title as well as making it brighter and it makes the animation look like a trendy painting, making it look quite cool..

 I like the animation of the cover. I originally wanted, for my cover, to have the artist masthead with various figures or objects surrounding them. i wasn't sure how this would look so I went investigating mirror effects on paintings and album covers, thus finding this. Looking at this cover, I realise how I could possibly make my cover similar to this, and look good using the resources at my disposal.

I have been stuck on with of these covers I like more. They are both just mastheads of Michael Jackson from the albums Ben and Forever Michael, but with two differences in the angles. The Cover for Ben is at a high angle, whilst the cover for Forever Michael is at a central frame.

If I make my cover similar to Ben and the high angle of Michael Jackson then it would create an idea of my artist as being slightly dominant in a way, perhaps in a "He or she is a famous musical and your'e not", indicating he is dominant in only that term, or maybe in a more composed sense t show wisdom or talent beyond the artist's years, which the latter does here for Michael jackson in his Ben album cover.

The Forever Michael album cover creates an idea of maybe an equalness between buyers and the artist as Michael Jackson is looking at the camera, meaning he is looking at the buyer and the central frame. I personally prefare the High angle of the Ben album, but I can take certain things from the Forever Michael album cover, like the font, the boldness of Michael Jackson's name against the much smaller font compliments his importance to the marketing of the album.

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